Guitar is one of the famous and most played musical instrument. In
every decade and different genres many great guitarists emerged with
various styles and techniques. Here are some virtuoso guitarists from
different genres :
Eric Clapton. His popularity came after he formed
the band "Cream" which was the very first rock power trio. He was
labeled as the "God of Guitar" and his style and music was influenced
by the recent guitarists. Clapton popularity to grow on the 1990’s and
to the present. Noted Albums : Disraeli Gears (with Cream - 1966)
George Harrison (Beatles). Who could have not known
about the band Beatles which includes John Lennon,Paul McCartney, Ringo
Starr and Gerorge Harrison. The Beatles had several albums that hit
the chart and being the guitarist of the group, Harrison also played a
major role on each albums. Noted albums : Revolver (1966), The Beatles
White Album (1968), Abbey Road (1969)
Jimi Hendrix (November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970).
He was one of the most influential on rock guitar. His techniques are
complex but would be seen when he was playing it. His styles were
innovative and used his teeth when playing, first to experiment with
stereophonic and phasing effects recording. He was popular first in
Europe then in U.S and awarded various prestigious rock awards.
Chet Atkins (June 20, 1924-June 30,2001). A
guitarist who is a master of picking styles, he was popularly known as
"Mr. Guitar" and made big contributions in country music which gave him
eleven Grammy awards. He played with his own style though at first was
not accepted by some radio stations. Atkins was also a singer, record
producer, and the man behind the success of Dolly Parton’s career.
Other notable guitarist from Country music are Lester Flatt, Richard Thompson, Nick Drake
Joe Pass. Known for his technical playing, he integrated different sytles of traditional jazz bass and lead lines.
Other great jazz guitarists are Django Reinhardt, Derek Bailey, Wes Montgomery, John McLaughlin, Eddie Lang, Pat Metheny
Chuck Berry. He pioneered rock music with rhythm and blues in the 1950’s
B.B. King He was known for the use of string
bending as a playing device and as an alternative vibrato technique.
The next generations of blues and rock guitarists was greatly
influenced by his playing, one of them is Jimi Hendrix.
Others are Muddy Waters, T-Bone Walker, Blind Blake, Lightnin’ Hopkins
The bits, beat, and bytes of various topics from home improvements, family,health,travel,music, social media, freelancing jobs,how to earn money online, internet, POD business, SEO,how-to, tips, and beyond.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Freelancing : How to Use Microsoft Excel to Manage Your Online Activities
Home-based business which includes freelancing online is one the most
in-demand jobs these days whether be a part-time or full time. This
goes specifically with online writers who juggle on different writing
content sites in order to increase earnings. Time management, skills,
personal organization are those factors that would help a freelancer
achieve success. One excellent tool in managing your online activities
is using the simple software, Microsoft Excel.
Monitor your earnings. It is much easier to track down your earnings with automatic computation using the formulas while it give you an overview of your achievements and evaluate your progress. Updating can be done daily every time you logged in and checks your current earnings. You can create a monthly columns with a yearend total at the end.
Consolidate your online website details. This will help[p you maximize your time finding details of your online activities. Referral links are always in use to gain more referrals and having it in one sheet will make it easier to work well. It will save time logging in on a particular website and check your referral link. Sample details may include the Website Name, username, password code (optional), referral links, payout details, and other useful links for easy reference. At the top, you may include your target plans and other things to do online.
You may or may not put a password to your file depending your own personal preference.
- The spreadsheet software is one of the most common installed in computers and readily available for use.
- It allows you to create multiple sheets for different categories. Sample sheets may include Earnings, My Websites, Consolidated Articles, Marketing and Promotions. Another sheet can be created for your inactive websites and other details that you still want to keep for future reference. You may create your own categories and many sheets according to your needs.
- Search each sheet easily using "Control Find" feature (Press ^F).
Monitor your earnings. It is much easier to track down your earnings with automatic computation using the formulas while it give you an overview of your achievements and evaluate your progress. Updating can be done daily every time you logged in and checks your current earnings. You can create a monthly columns with a yearend total at the end.
Consolidate your online website details. This will help[p you maximize your time finding details of your online activities. Referral links are always in use to gain more referrals and having it in one sheet will make it easier to work well. It will save time logging in on a particular website and check your referral link. Sample details may include the Website Name, username, password code (optional), referral links, payout details, and other useful links for easy reference. At the top, you may include your target plans and other things to do online.
You may or may not put a password to your file depending your own personal preference.
Risk Factors and Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?
A blood clot in the leg that may occur after a surgical operation, pregnancy, or a long period of bed rest.
Risk factors for Thrombosis
What are the symptoms of Thrombosis?
Blood tests are important to know the right amount and kind of treatment to a patient.
Antithrombotic medicines are prescribed by doctors which comes in three types : anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs and thrombolytic agents. Drugs to be taken while under treatment of DVT should be consulted to the doctor.
After a prolonged bed rest or an operation, certain exercises which involves legs can help in DVT treatment.
The use of compression stockings is often recommended by surgeons after operation because it helps keep the blood circulation normal.
Take medicines always, together with anticoalugant record card, and other related medical documents especially while travelling.
Common terms in relation to Thrombosis :
Anticoagulant medicine. A drug that helps to prevent blood clots.
Blood clot. An unwanted lump of blood paltelets, also called a thrombus. A blood clot in the leg is commonly known deep vein thrombosis or DVT.
Compression stockings. Leggings that fit quite tightly and helps the blood circulation to stay normal.
Haematology. The study of blood.
INR, International Normalized Ratio. It is the guide to the consistency of the blood. If the blood is too thick and sticky, it may be prone to clotting.
Thrombocytopenia. A shortage of blood cells that cause blood to clot.
Venogram. An X-Ray technique that reveals the veins in our legs, and any blood clots that might be in them.
A blood clot in the leg that may occur after a surgical operation, pregnancy, or a long period of bed rest.
Risk factors for Thrombosis
- People with family history of blood clots in veins
- Overweight (obese) people are more prone of having thrombosis as there are more pressure in pelvis and legs veins.
- Same with overweight, pregnancy also increases the pressure in the pelvis and legs veins.
- Those with heart disease or blood circulation problems, a damaged heart cannot effectively pump blood as compared with healthy normal heart which can cause blood to pool and clot.
- Smoking increases a person’s risk of getting thrombosis
What are the symptoms of Thrombosis?
- Leg cramps
- Loss of feeling in the legs
- Tiredness or aching in the legs
- An unexplained feeling of warmth in the legs or lower body
- Suddenly prominent veins
- Reddening of the skin
Blood tests are important to know the right amount and kind of treatment to a patient.
Antithrombotic medicines are prescribed by doctors which comes in three types : anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs and thrombolytic agents. Drugs to be taken while under treatment of DVT should be consulted to the doctor.
After a prolonged bed rest or an operation, certain exercises which involves legs can help in DVT treatment.
The use of compression stockings is often recommended by surgeons after operation because it helps keep the blood circulation normal.
Take medicines always, together with anticoalugant record card, and other related medical documents especially while travelling.
Common terms in relation to Thrombosis :
Anticoagulant medicine. A drug that helps to prevent blood clots.
Blood clot. An unwanted lump of blood paltelets, also called a thrombus. A blood clot in the leg is commonly known deep vein thrombosis or DVT.
Compression stockings. Leggings that fit quite tightly and helps the blood circulation to stay normal.
Haematology. The study of blood.
INR, International Normalized Ratio. It is the guide to the consistency of the blood. If the blood is too thick and sticky, it may be prone to clotting.
Thrombocytopenia. A shortage of blood cells that cause blood to clot.
Venogram. An X-Ray technique that reveals the veins in our legs, and any blood clots that might be in them.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Music Education : The Royal Academy of Music – London
Study violin and other string instruments at the academy. |
“This is one of the great conservatories of the world, a powerhouse that has produced the great and the famous from Sir Simon Rattle to Sir Elton John” - The Guardian, October 2004
The prestigious Royal Academy of Music is founded in 1822 by Lord Burghersh at the heart of the central London which is considered as the “musical capital of the world” and a major tourist attraction in Europe. The academy produced leading musicians,soloists, conductors, singers and composers which later became either part of major European Symphony Orchestras or working in British Broadcasting Company (BBC).
The academy has fully
renovated facilities among them are: David Josefowitz Recital Hall, York Gate
(designed by John Nash) teaching rooms, Sir Jack Lyons Theatre, and the York
Gate Collections where valuable instruments and manuscripts are in place for
Facilities includes:
- With hundreds of rooms for teaching, lecture, practice, rehearsal, and concert
- Practicing and Recording Studios
- Duke Hall 400-seat concert venue
- Creative Technology Suite
- Library contains a large archives of historical printed music materials and audio collections
- Canteen for the Academy community
- Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass
- Vocal studies
- Royal Academy Opera
- Piano and Piano Accompaniment
- Composition and Contemporary Music
- Jazz
- Historical Performance
- Musical Theatre
- Woodwind
- Brass
- Timpani and Percussion
- Conducting and Choral Conducting
- Harp and Classical Guitar
- Organ and Classical Accordion
- Open Academy
- Academic Studies and Research Programmes
has a multi-cultural friendly environment with students from over 50 countries
where one can be easily adapt to the community while pursuing a career in
music. The academy ensures that students gets the required support that
they need especially with international students who are also adjusting to the
new environment. Various activities are given to students for them to
experience the real core of their studies and prepare them for professional
world standards.
the museum: Opening hours
11.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday
12pm-4pm Saturday
and contact details:
+44 (0)20 7873 7373 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7873 7373 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Sir Elton John singing "Your Song" at the Royal Opera House
with Royal Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra
with Royal Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A Practical Guide to Personal Finance
To save or not to save money? We are always confronted with the same
question of whether we can save money or not while trying to make both
ends meet. It is best that we have the skills on financial management
to be able to save money, and not to be trapped into debt. Here are
practical ways on personal finance :
Planning and Educating Self about Personal Finance. Make the best out of the income at hand. We might be enjoying too much of spending without thinking over our financial status, for all we know we are already drown into debt. Take time to sit down, evaluate cash flow summary and jot down concrete plans on how to stretch the income. It is not always that we are healthy or we have regular jobs to sustain our needs and when a financial crisis will strike upon us.
Increase the Income. If the income is not sufficient for the needs, start finding ways to increase it. Every family have different financial situations, it should be discussed both by husband and wife on how to augment the need of the family. Know your priorities, is two-income earner workable or one should sacrifice taking care of the family. If one should stay in the house, home based freelance jobs either traditional or online jobs can help increase the income without sacrificing time for household management.
Reasonable Spending Habits.
Identify "what you need" and "what you want". It is always like a tug-of-war between these two, but "what you need" should come out as a winner and only let "what you want" if you have already set aside extra funds for it. Failure to do so becomes an impulse buying habit.
Know what are income generating expenses from lifestyle expenses. Income generating expenses or the basic needs such as utilities, transportation, food,gasoline while lifestyle expenses such as mobile usage, clothing, recreational expenses which can be adjusted or cut off as need arises. In some cases, there can be exceptions for mobile usage if it is use for income-related activities such as in sales while Internet expenses for freelance online jobs.
Think of long term “things to buy" or expenses that requires bigger funds such as purchasing a new appliance, renovation projects, long term investment and so forth. Moreso,small sacrifices to save money can create funds for long term plans.
Live moderately and find effective ways to reduce cost at home such as expenses for electrical appliances and Do-It-Yourself skills can spare us from service professional expenses.
Use Credit Card Wisely. Remember that everytime we use it we have a debt to pay. Is the purchase worth buying or are we into impulse buying. Credit card is not bad if we know how to use it for our advantage. Some business people use it as their capital and roll the cash until it is due. By this time, they have earned the profit.
Study monthly statement carefully and keep track all your expenses if it is properly billed.
Pay on time before the deadline and try to pay all the amount due. If you are paying only the minimum, you are just paying for the interest rates. The credit card company is just getting richer because of the monthly interest charges.
For small purchases, pay it in cash instead of using the credit card.
Do not make a long list of credit cards, get only what you can manage.
In order to save money, live within your means. If you want to live more than what you have, increase your income. Whatever what you have in your hand big or small, savings depends on how you manage money. Make a monthly effort to set aside even a small amount of savings and gradually increase whenever you can. Financial security can be achieved if we know how to save consistently.
save money |
Planning and Educating Self about Personal Finance. Make the best out of the income at hand. We might be enjoying too much of spending without thinking over our financial status, for all we know we are already drown into debt. Take time to sit down, evaluate cash flow summary and jot down concrete plans on how to stretch the income. It is not always that we are healthy or we have regular jobs to sustain our needs and when a financial crisis will strike upon us.
Increase the Income. If the income is not sufficient for the needs, start finding ways to increase it. Every family have different financial situations, it should be discussed both by husband and wife on how to augment the need of the family. Know your priorities, is two-income earner workable or one should sacrifice taking care of the family. If one should stay in the house, home based freelance jobs either traditional or online jobs can help increase the income without sacrificing time for household management.
Reasonable Spending Habits.
Identify "what you need" and "what you want". It is always like a tug-of-war between these two, but "what you need" should come out as a winner and only let "what you want" if you have already set aside extra funds for it. Failure to do so becomes an impulse buying habit.
Know what are income generating expenses from lifestyle expenses. Income generating expenses or the basic needs such as utilities, transportation, food,gasoline while lifestyle expenses such as mobile usage, clothing, recreational expenses which can be adjusted or cut off as need arises. In some cases, there can be exceptions for mobile usage if it is use for income-related activities such as in sales while Internet expenses for freelance online jobs.
Think of long term “things to buy" or expenses that requires bigger funds such as purchasing a new appliance, renovation projects, long term investment and so forth. Moreso,small sacrifices to save money can create funds for long term plans.
Live moderately and find effective ways to reduce cost at home such as expenses for electrical appliances and Do-It-Yourself skills can spare us from service professional expenses.
Use Credit Card Wisely. Remember that everytime we use it we have a debt to pay. Is the purchase worth buying or are we into impulse buying. Credit card is not bad if we know how to use it for our advantage. Some business people use it as their capital and roll the cash until it is due. By this time, they have earned the profit.
Study monthly statement carefully and keep track all your expenses if it is properly billed.
Pay on time before the deadline and try to pay all the amount due. If you are paying only the minimum, you are just paying for the interest rates. The credit card company is just getting richer because of the monthly interest charges.
For small purchases, pay it in cash instead of using the credit card.
Do not make a long list of credit cards, get only what you can manage.
In order to save money, live within your means. If you want to live more than what you have, increase your income. Whatever what you have in your hand big or small, savings depends on how you manage money. Make a monthly effort to set aside even a small amount of savings and gradually increase whenever you can. Financial security can be achieved if we know how to save consistently.
Things People Normally Forget
In our day to day left and right activities, there are things we tend to
forget in our life. Our day is occupied with household chores, taking
care of the kids, do some errands, go to work, computer stuff like
checking emails, update our social media sites like Facebook or
Twitter, write articles, update our blogs and many other things we try
to squeeze on a day. Oftentimes we feel the stress running to our
nerves that we tend to forget the important things that needs our
Here are things most likely to be neglected:
Have a personal insurance that would cover up the memorial services. Death topic is taboo for some people who wants to think only of the present. But purchasing one is a smart move in facing reality that anything can happen to anyone from your family. If you are a parent, it is also to prepare your children for anything that could happen to you. A preparation of "Last Will of Testament" is also advisable even if do not feel like the time is up. Better to be ready than to be stressed when that time comes.
Call a professional electrician to check house wirings. If your house was built more than 10 years ago, most likely you already need to house electrical wirings. Most reports showed fire incidents are caused by faulty wirings. It is to make sure that our house and family are safe. Keep medical records of the family for easy reference. Even if the health insurance or the hospital keeps medical records, it is still better to have a personal record specially with the children. The last date hospitalized, previous medicines taken and other pertinent health information.
Back-up mobile contacts. Keep your contacts intact by writing it to a hardcopy list or synchronized it with your computer or IPod since this integrating data is much easier now than before. Mobile phones are indispensable thing to most people as communication plays a large part today for personal or business purposes. Important notes and personal contacts are stored on phones which can be lost in one snap, and in most cases when it happens regrets comes next for not securing a back-up.
Secure digital archives of your important documents. Protect your important documents from unexpected incidents like fire, flood and robbery. Scan passports, house land titles, important receipts, work related documents and many others that you think deemed important to you. If you have a house insurance, review the inclusions since some insurance policies have loopholes and make sure you understand the policy. Ask for a checklist requirement form in advance so you can plan ahead.
Here are things most likely to be neglected:
Have a personal insurance that would cover up the memorial services. Death topic is taboo for some people who wants to think only of the present. But purchasing one is a smart move in facing reality that anything can happen to anyone from your family. If you are a parent, it is also to prepare your children for anything that could happen to you. A preparation of "Last Will of Testament" is also advisable even if do not feel like the time is up. Better to be ready than to be stressed when that time comes.
Call a professional electrician to check house wirings. If your house was built more than 10 years ago, most likely you already need to house electrical wirings. Most reports showed fire incidents are caused by faulty wirings. It is to make sure that our house and family are safe. Keep medical records of the family for easy reference. Even if the health insurance or the hospital keeps medical records, it is still better to have a personal record specially with the children. The last date hospitalized, previous medicines taken and other pertinent health information.
Back-up mobile contacts. Keep your contacts intact by writing it to a hardcopy list or synchronized it with your computer or IPod since this integrating data is much easier now than before. Mobile phones are indispensable thing to most people as communication plays a large part today for personal or business purposes. Important notes and personal contacts are stored on phones which can be lost in one snap, and in most cases when it happens regrets comes next for not securing a back-up.
Secure digital archives of your important documents. Protect your important documents from unexpected incidents like fire, flood and robbery. Scan passports, house land titles, important receipts, work related documents and many others that you think deemed important to you. If you have a house insurance, review the inclusions since some insurance policies have loopholes and make sure you understand the policy. Ask for a checklist requirement form in advance so you can plan ahead.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Earth is Cryin’ Lyrics (Earth Hour Tribute)
In support with Earth Hour and tribute to Mother Earth. The Earth is
cryin’ with its unpredictable climate change and consecutive natural
calamities around the globe.
When the lights are off
In darkness we will build one light
The Earth our home is cryin’ out
Where we will be in the future
Where will be our daughter and sons
Where will it be
Earth is only one, there’s no other one
There’s only one, only one.
Can you hear the trembling sound
The Earth is cryin’, the Earth is cryin’
The stormy tears are falling down
Can you feel the ground
It is tumbling down
Like the heart’s pounding sound
Can you hear it?, can you hear it?
Ohh,oohh the Earth is cryin’
The Earth is cryin’, it’s calling
It’s calling
For you, for you and me.
We can live..we can live as one
With one dream to save the ground
To live on this Earth with harmony
For you, for you
Ohhh, ohhh for you, for you and me.
When the lights are off
In darkness we will build one light
The Earth our home is cryin’ out
Where we will be in the future
Where will be our daughter and sons
Where will it be
Earth is only one, there’s no other one
There’s only one, only one.
Can you hear the trembling sound
The Earth is cryin’, the Earth is cryin’
The stormy tears are falling down
Can you feel the ground
It is tumbling down
Like the heart’s pounding sound
Can you hear it?, can you hear it?
Ohh,oohh the Earth is cryin’
The Earth is cryin’, it’s calling
It’s calling
For you, for you and me.
We can live..we can live as one
With one dream to save the ground
To live on this Earth with harmony
For you, for you
Ohhh, ohhh for you, for you and me.
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Support Earth Hour / March 26, 2011 8:30pm - 9:30pm |
Friday, March 25, 2011
Music History : German Composer Johannes Brahms
Johannes Brahms ( 7 May 1833 - 3 April 1897)
Brahms was born in Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany. His interest in music runs through his blood as he was a son of a double bass player. His family belongs to a poor family but this has not been an obstacle in pursuing his interest in music. He begun performing at an early age but his professional work flourished in Vienna, Austria. There he met Robert Schumann, his mentor and later became a close friend. Schumann also an influential critic, was impressed by Brahms talents calls him the "coming genius" of German Music. He became well-known not only in Germany, but also throughout Europe where he toured and conducted concerts while he writes all forms of music except opera.
Brahms, a virtuoso pianist and composer, became one of the leading composers of Romantic middle era along with Camille Saint-Saens, Johann Strauss II, Georges Bizet and among others. On this period, music had much more artistic freedom than the periods before it. An age of virtuoso, passion, and revolutions where Brahms also emerge as one of the greatest symphonist after Beethoven.
His works are composed for piano, chamber ensembles, symphony orchestra, and for voice and chorus. Some of his works are , Variations on a Theme by Haydn (an orchestral music), Academic Festival and Tragic (overtures), German Requiem (choral music), Violin Concerto in D major. His later popular works includes Hungarian Dance No. 5 and the Lullaby.
Brahms was born in Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany. His interest in music runs through his blood as he was a son of a double bass player. His family belongs to a poor family but this has not been an obstacle in pursuing his interest in music. He begun performing at an early age but his professional work flourished in Vienna, Austria. There he met Robert Schumann, his mentor and later became a close friend. Schumann also an influential critic, was impressed by Brahms talents calls him the "coming genius" of German Music. He became well-known not only in Germany, but also throughout Europe where he toured and conducted concerts while he writes all forms of music except opera.
Brahms, a virtuoso pianist and composer, became one of the leading composers of Romantic middle era along with Camille Saint-Saens, Johann Strauss II, Georges Bizet and among others. On this period, music had much more artistic freedom than the periods before it. An age of virtuoso, passion, and revolutions where Brahms also emerge as one of the greatest symphonist after Beethoven.
His works are composed for piano, chamber ensembles, symphony orchestra, and for voice and chorus. Some of his works are , Variations on a Theme by Haydn (an orchestral music), Academic Festival and Tragic (overtures), German Requiem (choral music), Violin Concerto in D major. His later popular works includes Hungarian Dance No. 5 and the Lullaby.
Music History : German Composer Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven ( 17 December 1770 – 26 March 1827)
He was born on Bonn, the 19th largest city in Germany and baptized in a Catholic parish of St. Remiguis. In modern days, Classical music had been associated with Beethoven but also regarded as the first composer in the Romantic period.
He moved to Vienna on his early twenties and studied with Joseph Haydn, who was often called the "father of Symphony and String Quartet". A great composer who experienced the loss of hearing which started on 1796. Even when he was a completely deaf, he continued to write music, conduct and perform.
His musical style was the creation of large, extended architectonic structure characterized by the extensive development of the musical material, themes and motifs, usually by modulation, through a variety of keys or harmonic regions.
His works includes nine symphonies, thirty-two piano sonatas, sixteen string quartets. Some of them are op. 21, Symphony no.1 in C, op.138. Overture Leonore no., in C, Piano Concerto in E-Flat, Pathetique, Fur Elise, and Moonlight Sonata
He was born on Bonn, the 19th largest city in Germany and baptized in a Catholic parish of St. Remiguis. In modern days, Classical music had been associated with Beethoven but also regarded as the first composer in the Romantic period.
He moved to Vienna on his early twenties and studied with Joseph Haydn, who was often called the "father of Symphony and String Quartet". A great composer who experienced the loss of hearing which started on 1796. Even when he was a completely deaf, he continued to write music, conduct and perform.
His musical style was the creation of large, extended architectonic structure characterized by the extensive development of the musical material, themes and motifs, usually by modulation, through a variety of keys or harmonic regions.
His works includes nine symphonies, thirty-two piano sonatas, sixteen string quartets. Some of them are op. 21, Symphony no.1 in C, op.138. Overture Leonore no., in C, Piano Concerto in E-Flat, Pathetique, Fur Elise, and Moonlight Sonata
Music History : German Composer Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach (21 March 1685 – 28 July 1750)
Bach a native of iEisenach, Saxe-Eisenach was a popular composer during the era of Baroque music period. He was included on the "Three B's" of the Greatest composers in music history along with Beethoven and Brahms.
The word "baroque" came from the Portuguese word barroco, meaning "misshapen pearl", a strikingly fitting characterization of the architecture of this period; later, the name came to be applied also to its music. A Baroque period falls between the late Renaissance and early Classical periods roughly between 1600 and 1750.
Being born from the family of musicians, J.S. Bach was a prolific composer and organist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought to its ultimate maturity.
Bach’s musical style was known for his contrapuntal invention and techniques, a control of harmonic and motivic organization from the smallest to the largest scales.
Some of his great works includes The Goldberg Variations, Mass in B Minor, St. Mathew Passion, The Musical offering, The Art of Fugue, Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello.
Bach a native of iEisenach, Saxe-Eisenach was a popular composer during the era of Baroque music period. He was included on the "Three B's" of the Greatest composers in music history along with Beethoven and Brahms.
The word "baroque" came from the Portuguese word barroco, meaning "misshapen pearl", a strikingly fitting characterization of the architecture of this period; later, the name came to be applied also to its music. A Baroque period falls between the late Renaissance and early Classical periods roughly between 1600 and 1750.
Being born from the family of musicians, J.S. Bach was a prolific composer and organist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought to its ultimate maturity.
Bach’s musical style was known for his contrapuntal invention and techniques, a control of harmonic and motivic organization from the smallest to the largest scales.
Some of his great works includes The Goldberg Variations, Mass in B Minor, St. Mathew Passion, The Musical offering, The Art of Fugue, Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello.
Avatar Composer James Horner : The Master of Film Music
Films started with silent movies without dialogue and background music. Films evolved with the help of technology and the integration of
music on movies. Music puts color and heart to a film bringing out the
roller coaster ride of the emotional aspect of the movie. The scenes
are brought to life through the background music which is called the
film score. While the soundtrack is the commercial release which
includes the collection of sounds and songs used in the movie.
And that what makes James Roy Horner a master of movie film scoring and soundtracks having numerous blockbuster movies like “Titanic”and “Avatar”. James is a composer, orchestrator, conductor of orchestral and film music.
Born on August 14, 1953 at Los Angeles California USA to parents
Joan and Harry Horner. He was first influenced by his father who
worked in the film industry as production designer, set designer and a
film director.
At his early teen, his family moved to London and he begun studying music at Royal Academy of Music in London. Then to University of Southern California, and finally at University of California Los Angeles (U.C.L.A) with a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and doctorate in music. For a short period of time he taught music in U.C.L.A before started to work in full time scoring.
Horner begun his film scoring on 1979 but his first biggest movie break as a composer wasthe 1982 movies “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” which succeeded in box office. it took him four and a half weeks to write the score for this film.
Large projects continue to come at his door with movies such as : Avatar(2009),A Beautiful Mind(2001), Titanic(1997), Braveheart (1995),Legends of the Fall(1994), Aliens (1986) Mask of Zorro(1998), and many more.
His success is already at hand working with top caliber directors like James Cameron and Ron Howard.
The 1997 “Titanic” James Cameron movie score had sold 27million copies, and Horner received two Academy Awards, two Golden Globes, and four Grammys for this top-grossing movie.
The 2009 “Avatar” movie scoring was done in two years and considered as one of the difficult film scores he had made. But the effort paid off as the movie became the biggest movie of the year.
The great impact of music on movies is undoubtedly proven in many years. James Horner music to movies are timeless and will continue to be played by other musicians to continue the legacy of his music. Truly, a composer like James Horner puts his soul and mind to a masterpiece which will last for a lifetime.
List of James Horner Filmography
Awards and Nominations
And that what makes James Roy Horner a master of movie film scoring and soundtracks having numerous blockbuster movies like “Titanic”and “Avatar”. James is a composer, orchestrator, conductor of orchestral and film music.
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Titanic movie soundtrack. |
At his early teen, his family moved to London and he begun studying music at Royal Academy of Music in London. Then to University of Southern California, and finally at University of California Los Angeles (U.C.L.A) with a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and doctorate in music. For a short period of time he taught music in U.C.L.A before started to work in full time scoring.
Horner begun his film scoring on 1979 but his first biggest movie break as a composer wasthe 1982 movies “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” which succeeded in box office. it took him four and a half weeks to write the score for this film.
Large projects continue to come at his door with movies such as : Avatar(2009),A Beautiful Mind(2001), Titanic(1997), Braveheart (1995),Legends of the Fall(1994), Aliens (1986) Mask of Zorro(1998), and many more.
His success is already at hand working with top caliber directors like James Cameron and Ron Howard.
The 1997 “Titanic” James Cameron movie score had sold 27million copies, and Horner received two Academy Awards, two Golden Globes, and four Grammys for this top-grossing movie.
The 2009 “Avatar” movie scoring was done in two years and considered as one of the difficult film scores he had made. But the effort paid off as the movie became the biggest movie of the year.
The great impact of music on movies is undoubtedly proven in many years. James Horner music to movies are timeless and will continue to be played by other musicians to continue the legacy of his music. Truly, a composer like James Horner puts his soul and mind to a masterpiece which will last for a lifetime.
List of James Horner Filmography
Awards and Nominations
The Medieval and Gregorian Chant Music
Masters Of Chant Chapter IV
Beatles – John Lennon Original
Medieval music (500 – 1400) is an integral part of everyday life for the people of that time of period especially when there are celebrations and festivities. Some of the known medieval music instruments are recorders, pan flutes, horns, trumpets, bells, whistles, and drums. During Christmas, the sound of the bells will be heard to bring the good news of Jesus birth.
People in the Middle ages used to play traditional music during and between meal courses. It was believed then that medieval music was not only delightful to the ears, but also helped in the digestion of food.
After Medieval period comes the following music eras : Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century ,Contemporary and the present.
The Gregorian Chant Music
Gregorian chant is an early medieval period music which is monophonic both sacred and secular song of the Roman Catholic. Gregorian chant developed mainly in the Frankish lands of western and central Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries, with later additions and reductions.
Gregorian melodies are transcribed using neumes, an early from of musical notation from which the modern five-line staff developed during the 16th century. Gregorian chant played a fundamental role in the development of the polyphony.
Gregorian chant was traditionally sung by choirs of men and boys in churches, or by women and men of religious orders in their chapels. It is the music of the Roman Rite, performed in the Mass and the monastic office. Although the Gregorian chant is no longer obligatory, the Roman Catholic church still officially consider it the music the most suitable for worship. In the 20th century, it became popular again in the music mainstream with modern song in a Gregorian chant music.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Cost Saving Tips for Home Electrical Appliances
Here are some practical ways on certain appliances :
Refrigerator and Freezer Care. Do not put hot foods inside the refrigerator, it reduces the cooling capacity in the long run. For manual defrosting, it is advisable to have it once a week while automatic defrosting can be cleaned once a month. Make sure it is unplugged to avoid risk electrocution due to leakage of electricity. Keep the refrigerator close at all times to reduce power consumption, the warm air rushing in increases the load. Children should also be taught on the importance of keeping it closed.
Let the air circulate around the refrigerator condenser coils located at the back of it by giving enough space between the refrigerator and the kitchen walls. Trapped heat from the coils and motor will increase electric consumption.
Cooking Ranges and Microwave Ovens. Use a proper size pot, not a larger one to make the cooking time faster and overuse . Microwave ovens use 75% less energy than range ovens.
Mixers,Blenders and Grinders. Mixers should run on short intervals, this prevents the motor from getting too hot and prolongs its useful years. Wait for 5-10 seconds after switching off before lifting the blender or grinder out of the machine. Thoroughly clean the blades and dry carefully before using it again.
Electric Toasters. Clean it daily after use so that breadcrumbs do not get lodged in the element and cause it to spark.
Electric Kettle. For safety measures, always switch off the kettle when pouring out the water.
Washing Machine. Do not put too many clothes into washing machine and follow the specified maximum load from the manual. It is always advisable to check the machine settings appropriate with the clothes. Delicate ones includes baby clothes, blouses,nylon,lacy hankies, embroidered clothes. Normal setting contains trousers, men’s shirts while sheets, curtains, towels, tablecloths fall into heavy category.
Electric Iron. Never use metal polish in cleaning the iron body and sole plate, use a slightly damp cloth instead. Make sure that it is unplugged and already cold before cleaning.
Television Set. Make them dust free and be careful in transferring to avoid damage. Never open a television set, it has some very high voltage components that can give a severe shock even if the plug is switch off. Bring it immediately to the repair service center or hire a professional one to check it. During a strong storm, it is better to turn it off to avoid catching a lightning outside.
With electrical appliances at home, safety measures should be practiced. The most common is never touch a plug or switch with wet hands and never pull out a plug from the socket while the appliance is still on. When unplugging the appliance do not pull the cord from the outlet, hold the plug itself. If a person gets an electric shock, it is best to put the main switch off to cut off all the electric current.
Proper care use of appliances will not only reduce electric bills, but also avoid costly repairs and keep us from buying new ones.
Refrigerator and Freezer Care. Do not put hot foods inside the refrigerator, it reduces the cooling capacity in the long run. For manual defrosting, it is advisable to have it once a week while automatic defrosting can be cleaned once a month. Make sure it is unplugged to avoid risk electrocution due to leakage of electricity. Keep the refrigerator close at all times to reduce power consumption, the warm air rushing in increases the load. Children should also be taught on the importance of keeping it closed.
Let the air circulate around the refrigerator condenser coils located at the back of it by giving enough space between the refrigerator and the kitchen walls. Trapped heat from the coils and motor will increase electric consumption.
Cooking Ranges and Microwave Ovens. Use a proper size pot, not a larger one to make the cooking time faster and overuse . Microwave ovens use 75% less energy than range ovens.
Mixers,Blenders and Grinders. Mixers should run on short intervals, this prevents the motor from getting too hot and prolongs its useful years. Wait for 5-10 seconds after switching off before lifting the blender or grinder out of the machine. Thoroughly clean the blades and dry carefully before using it again.
Electric Toasters. Clean it daily after use so that breadcrumbs do not get lodged in the element and cause it to spark.
Electric Kettle. For safety measures, always switch off the kettle when pouring out the water.
Washing Machine. Do not put too many clothes into washing machine and follow the specified maximum load from the manual. It is always advisable to check the machine settings appropriate with the clothes. Delicate ones includes baby clothes, blouses,nylon,lacy hankies, embroidered clothes. Normal setting contains trousers, men’s shirts while sheets, curtains, towels, tablecloths fall into heavy category.
Electric Iron. Never use metal polish in cleaning the iron body and sole plate, use a slightly damp cloth instead. Make sure that it is unplugged and already cold before cleaning.
Television Set. Make them dust free and be careful in transferring to avoid damage. Never open a television set, it has some very high voltage components that can give a severe shock even if the plug is switch off. Bring it immediately to the repair service center or hire a professional one to check it. During a strong storm, it is better to turn it off to avoid catching a lightning outside.
With electrical appliances at home, safety measures should be practiced. The most common is never touch a plug or switch with wet hands and never pull out a plug from the socket while the appliance is still on. When unplugging the appliance do not pull the cord from the outlet, hold the plug itself. If a person gets an electric shock, it is best to put the main switch off to cut off all the electric current.
Proper care use of appliances will not only reduce electric bills, but also avoid costly repairs and keep us from buying new ones.
Home Improvement Money Saving Tips
Here are some planning and cost saving tips :
Define what you want. Discuss with family members what do you want to achieve or house wish list. Houses have different themes like European, Oriental, Mediterrenian and among others. Colors plays a major role in the total look of the house and create an emotional effect. According to, the following are ways specific colors that affect emotions :
Yellow. Cheerful, intellectual, uplifting. Strong shades might be overwhelming and are best in smaller amounts, but light to medium shades can lift your mood like a room filled with sunshine.Green. Fresh, restful, rejuvenating. Like being out in nature, green can revive the spirit. The shade is important; blue-greens are calming and yellow-greens are more stimulating.
Blue. Tranquil, homey, comforting. Unrelieved doses of pure blue seem cold and formal, but reddish blues or greenish blues are more inviting. Think Wedgwood, periwinkle, or turquoise.Purple. Creative, sophisticated, surprising. Paler shades like lavender are meditative, and darker ones like eggplant are artistic. This color was once reserved for royalty, giving rise to the term "royal purple."
Red. Bold, vigorous, exciting. Bright shades might be too stimulating, but dark shades seem elegant and classic. Pale pink is comforting and promotes feelings of well-being.
Orange. Energetic, friendly, appetizing. Pure orange may seem jarring, but terra cotta, pumpkin, and apricot are warm colors that inspire relaxation. This is a good color for rooms where people gather.
Neutrals. Peaceful, reasoned, quiet. These soothing shades offer relief from brighter colors, separating them enough to keep their stronger energy in check. Light neutrals are harmonious and expansive, while darker ones are dramatic.
If budget permits, hire a professional Interior Designer can submit fresh designs to choose from. If on a tight budget, start researching from the internet and look for good designs, ask some ideas from your friends that had gone through home improvements. Do not change plans from time to time, it will lead to extra expenses, and a wasted time and effort.
Hiring a contractor. If you enjoy and has an experience in do-it-yourself works, minor home improvements such as painting and carpentry works can be done to cut labor cost. But if it is a major project, you will need the expertise of a professional, hiring a contractor is not that easy and can be tricky at times. Personal recommendations from friends or from neighborhood is a good choice since they already experienced how to deal with the contractor and the quality of the work is already tested.
Call and pre-qualify three contractors and request for a formal bid proposal with the same specifications and plans. Check if the contractor is licensed, insured for workers compensation, damage and personal liability. Ask atleast three customer references for background verification. Most customers would be glad to share experiences with their contractor if they feel good about their new house.
Be wary about contractors who will submit for the obvious low bid, tricks and inexperience can be the loopholes in the bid that would put quality at risk. Ask if the contractor will be managing other projects other than yours, and if the contractor will be on the site to supervise the job or will only designate a foreman.
When you have made a selection, check all the details of the contract including the agreed timetable of the project.
Canvass for Materials and Estimate Cost. Do not just rely on your contractor’s estimate. Take time to visit several home improvement centers to check for materials and fixtures cost.
Explore ways to achieve great looking results with moderately priced materials. Know the many options available. Knowing the world of possibilities gives you the possibility to choose less expensive materials or fixtures without comprising results.
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Home improvement |
Define what you want. Discuss with family members what do you want to achieve or house wish list. Houses have different themes like European, Oriental, Mediterrenian and among others. Colors plays a major role in the total look of the house and create an emotional effect. According to, the following are ways specific colors that affect emotions :
Yellow. Cheerful, intellectual, uplifting. Strong shades might be overwhelming and are best in smaller amounts, but light to medium shades can lift your mood like a room filled with sunshine.Green. Fresh, restful, rejuvenating. Like being out in nature, green can revive the spirit. The shade is important; blue-greens are calming and yellow-greens are more stimulating.
Blue. Tranquil, homey, comforting. Unrelieved doses of pure blue seem cold and formal, but reddish blues or greenish blues are more inviting. Think Wedgwood, periwinkle, or turquoise.Purple. Creative, sophisticated, surprising. Paler shades like lavender are meditative, and darker ones like eggplant are artistic. This color was once reserved for royalty, giving rise to the term "royal purple."
Red. Bold, vigorous, exciting. Bright shades might be too stimulating, but dark shades seem elegant and classic. Pale pink is comforting and promotes feelings of well-being.
Orange. Energetic, friendly, appetizing. Pure orange may seem jarring, but terra cotta, pumpkin, and apricot are warm colors that inspire relaxation. This is a good color for rooms where people gather.
Neutrals. Peaceful, reasoned, quiet. These soothing shades offer relief from brighter colors, separating them enough to keep their stronger energy in check. Light neutrals are harmonious and expansive, while darker ones are dramatic.
If budget permits, hire a professional Interior Designer can submit fresh designs to choose from. If on a tight budget, start researching from the internet and look for good designs, ask some ideas from your friends that had gone through home improvements. Do not change plans from time to time, it will lead to extra expenses, and a wasted time and effort.
Hiring a contractor. If you enjoy and has an experience in do-it-yourself works, minor home improvements such as painting and carpentry works can be done to cut labor cost. But if it is a major project, you will need the expertise of a professional, hiring a contractor is not that easy and can be tricky at times. Personal recommendations from friends or from neighborhood is a good choice since they already experienced how to deal with the contractor and the quality of the work is already tested.
Call and pre-qualify three contractors and request for a formal bid proposal with the same specifications and plans. Check if the contractor is licensed, insured for workers compensation, damage and personal liability. Ask atleast three customer references for background verification. Most customers would be glad to share experiences with their contractor if they feel good about their new house.
Be wary about contractors who will submit for the obvious low bid, tricks and inexperience can be the loopholes in the bid that would put quality at risk. Ask if the contractor will be managing other projects other than yours, and if the contractor will be on the site to supervise the job or will only designate a foreman.
When you have made a selection, check all the details of the contract including the agreed timetable of the project.
Canvass for Materials and Estimate Cost. Do not just rely on your contractor’s estimate. Take time to visit several home improvement centers to check for materials and fixtures cost.
Explore ways to achieve great looking results with moderately priced materials. Know the many options available. Knowing the world of possibilities gives you the possibility to choose less expensive materials or fixtures without comprising results.
Protect Yourself and Family from Accidents
Who wants accidents inside the house? For sure nobody wants it. We
want a house that is safe specially for children. If we will only
take preventive actions around the house, accidents can be avoided.
Below are some ways to avoid accidents :
Proper arrangement of furniture inside the house. Make sure that arrangement is properly placed, provide a traffic free area in such a way that people can go in and out without banging into each other.
Check flooring for carpet ripping, old tiles and moldings for replacement. Make a temporary remedy to repair the damage until a professional repairman becomes available. Immediately wipes up spills,leaks to prevent slips and fall.
Purchase a good quality ladder. Buying a good piece will make a difference than buying a lesser quality. When cleaning or doing household tasks, make sure that the ladder footing is secure enough.
Create a Tool Box storage. Tools and equipment should be properly in placed. Return immediately after use to keep from children.
Keep the stairs free from obstruction. Make sure toys and other things are not on the landing area to avoid slips.
Check automatic doors for proper function. Accident may occur if suddenly closes when someone pass by. All areas of the house should be well lighted. Dark areas can be hazardous, it is advisable to check light fixtures periodically.
House electricals. Read manuals of new electrical appliances and equipment before plugging it in the outlet. Ground electrical cords for floor machines, check for frayed wires and loose plugs.
Prepare a first-aid-kit. . Even if you already taken the precautionary measures around the house, a first-aid-kit is still a must inside the house. It should be in a visible area for easy access.
Parents worry much about their children and take precautionary actions around the house. But how about if you are the one had the accident and you are only with your child or kids when it happens. Prepare them the proper handling of a situation mentally and emotionally in simple terms, tell them what to do if accidents happens. They should be able to know how to call emergency hotline and inform the incident properly as quickly as possible. They can be responsible in their own little way that could save life of a family member.
It is better to anticipate than to be careless and regret later.
Proper arrangement of furniture inside the house. Make sure that arrangement is properly placed, provide a traffic free area in such a way that people can go in and out without banging into each other.
Check flooring for carpet ripping, old tiles and moldings for replacement. Make a temporary remedy to repair the damage until a professional repairman becomes available. Immediately wipes up spills,leaks to prevent slips and fall.
Purchase a good quality ladder. Buying a good piece will make a difference than buying a lesser quality. When cleaning or doing household tasks, make sure that the ladder footing is secure enough.
Create a Tool Box storage. Tools and equipment should be properly in placed. Return immediately after use to keep from children.
Keep the stairs free from obstruction. Make sure toys and other things are not on the landing area to avoid slips.
Check automatic doors for proper function. Accident may occur if suddenly closes when someone pass by. All areas of the house should be well lighted. Dark areas can be hazardous, it is advisable to check light fixtures periodically.
House electricals. Read manuals of new electrical appliances and equipment before plugging it in the outlet. Ground electrical cords for floor machines, check for frayed wires and loose plugs.
Prepare a first-aid-kit. . Even if you already taken the precautionary measures around the house, a first-aid-kit is still a must inside the house. It should be in a visible area for easy access.
Parents worry much about their children and take precautionary actions around the house. But how about if you are the one had the accident and you are only with your child or kids when it happens. Prepare them the proper handling of a situation mentally and emotionally in simple terms, tell them what to do if accidents happens. They should be able to know how to call emergency hotline and inform the incident properly as quickly as possible. They can be responsible in their own little way that could save life of a family member.
It is better to anticipate than to be careless and regret later.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Home Security : Is your Home Vulnerable to Burglary?
The common causes of stealing through burglary
are poverty, greed, and peer pressure.
They are likely to be living within the village or the nearby areas where they know more about the residents and have an easy access to their next victims.
Here are the indicators that the burglars is looking for the next house victim :
A burglar carefully plans his moves by studying his next target who often seen in disguise. The next target of a burglar is a house where seems unoccupied especially without guarding dogs inside. Burglaries usually happens during the week where most members of the occupants are out working, and most especially during the holiday season where families go on vacation.
Sixty four percent of the burglars breaks-in by force at the back or side of the house where there is left window open and unsecured doors.
Burglars do not want to stay on the crime place so they are fast with more or less ten minutes breaking-in and getting the properties they want.
A house with a flat roof which is an easy access to a second floor.
A tree close to a house is an access to upstairs and can be a hiding area of a burglar before breaking-in the house.
Careless placement of tools in the backyard such as ladder and other tools in the garage can be used by the burglar in breaking-in.
Doors with unsecured locks and built window glasses which is too near the door knobs can be easily reached by burglars.
Gates with ornate steel designs offers footholds to the burglars.
While away from home, there are post notes for deliveries to comeback indicating that the house is unoccupied, a full mailbox indicates no one gets the mail promptly.
Professional burglars are skilled people who can outdo a standard house alarm system. Awareness how the burglars think and act gives an idea of the next step of home security which is acting upon the preventive measures. Precautionary awareness of all the members of the family, take home minor renovations, and installing electronic devices.
They are likely to be living within the village or the nearby areas where they know more about the residents and have an easy access to their next victims.
Here are the indicators that the burglars is looking for the next house victim :
A burglar carefully plans his moves by studying his next target who often seen in disguise. The next target of a burglar is a house where seems unoccupied especially without guarding dogs inside. Burglaries usually happens during the week where most members of the occupants are out working, and most especially during the holiday season where families go on vacation.
Sixty four percent of the burglars breaks-in by force at the back or side of the house where there is left window open and unsecured doors.
Burglars do not want to stay on the crime place so they are fast with more or less ten minutes breaking-in and getting the properties they want.
A house with a flat roof which is an easy access to a second floor.
A tree close to a house is an access to upstairs and can be a hiding area of a burglar before breaking-in the house.
Careless placement of tools in the backyard such as ladder and other tools in the garage can be used by the burglar in breaking-in.
Doors with unsecured locks and built window glasses which is too near the door knobs can be easily reached by burglars.
Gates with ornate steel designs offers footholds to the burglars.
While away from home, there are post notes for deliveries to comeback indicating that the house is unoccupied, a full mailbox indicates no one gets the mail promptly.
Professional burglars are skilled people who can outdo a standard house alarm system. Awareness how the burglars think and act gives an idea of the next step of home security which is acting upon the preventive measures. Precautionary awareness of all the members of the family, take home minor renovations, and installing electronic devices.
Tips on How to Keep Orderliness in The House
Here are some tips to keep orderliness in the house.
BUY TABLES WITH DRAWERS - Drawers are space saving for keeping small
things in the house. This is an excellent tool to keep organize, you
can put various small things where you can categorize according to
type. Plastic containers are common nowadays instead of wooden
furnitures which are more handy and economical.
AVOID ACQUIRING UNNECESSARY THINGS - Carboots and on-sale items are the common things inside the house that only clutters if not used. We buy things that we are only excited for a period of time and then keep it as long as we want.
HAVE A PERIODIC SCHEDULE OF CLEANING THE HOUSE - Maintenance of the house is very important if we want to keep our house clean and orderly.
TRAIN THE CHILDREN AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE – Children should be trained to be orderly in the house. They have to learn how to return their toys in proper places and other small things that they can manage. They may not follow for several times but in due time they will be able to learn it.
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AVOID ACQUIRING UNNECESSARY THINGS - Carboots and on-sale items are the common things inside the house that only clutters if not used. We buy things that we are only excited for a period of time and then keep it as long as we want.
HAVE A PERIODIC SCHEDULE OF CLEANING THE HOUSE - Maintenance of the house is very important if we want to keep our house clean and orderly.
TRAIN THE CHILDREN AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE – Children should be trained to be orderly in the house. They have to learn how to return their toys in proper places and other small things that they can manage. They may not follow for several times but in due time they will be able to learn it.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Women's Remedies Against Acne Outbreak
So you have acne and your face is like a war zone? According to Dr. Peter Pochi, M.D., professor of dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine, acne is a condition where the pores of the skin become clogged and the person gets inflamed and noninflamed lesions.
Contrary to beliefs that you can get acne from eating too much chocolate. Acne occurs mostly in adolescent years, but also can be visible during middle age and in later years. What it takes to have an acne and how to avoid them. “Acne is genetic; it tends to run in the families” says Dr. James Fulton, Jr. M.D, a Dermatoligist and Founder of Acne Research Institute in California. He further adds that if both parents had acne, three out of four of your brothers and sisters will get it too.
Other factors that contribute to the outbreak of an acne are stress, sun exposure, season changes, certain types of make-up, and taking birth control. With these, women are more prone to getting acne who are stressed with work and domestic challenges, wear make-up most of the time and some take birth control at times.
Other factors that contribute to the outbreak of an acne are stress, sun exposure, season changes, certain types of make-up, and taking birth control. With these, women are more prone to getting acne who are stressed with work and domestic challenges, wear make-up most of the time and some take birth control at times.
Here are some helpful remedies tips for an acne outbreak:
Wearing Make-up. Avoid an oil-based make up that adds up acne which contains fatty acids. Use a non-oil based make -up instead. It is also advisable to read labels of your make-up and avoid ingredients such as lanolins, isopropyl myristate, sodium lauryl sulfate, laureth-4, and D & C red dyes that can irritate your skin. Do not forget the basics, make sure that you thoroughly wash off your make-up before going to bed.
Caution to birth control pills. Some women may have taken birth control pills, but if you are prone to acne, check pills such as Ovral, Loestrin, Norlestrin, and Norinyl which can aggravate acne.
Protect your face from the sun. Staying out of the sun especially during acne medications, there are some medications that might have an adverse effect when exposed to sun.
When treating your acne. Aside from sun exposure, make it a habit to cleanse your skin well before putting acne medications. Taking two medications should also be avoided, consult your dermatologist before getting other medications other than prescribed.
Acne can be very irritating to see in the mirror, but we can have hope from proper treatment and maintaining our skin clean well.
Wearing Make-up. Avoid an oil-based make up that adds up acne which contains fatty acids. Use a non-oil based make -up instead. It is also advisable to read labels of your make-up and avoid ingredients such as lanolins, isopropyl myristate, sodium lauryl sulfate, laureth-4, and D & C red dyes that can irritate your skin. Do not forget the basics, make sure that you thoroughly wash off your make-up before going to bed.
Caution to birth control pills. Some women may have taken birth control pills, but if you are prone to acne, check pills such as Ovral, Loestrin, Norlestrin, and Norinyl which can aggravate acne.
Protect your face from the sun. Staying out of the sun especially during acne medications, there are some medications that might have an adverse effect when exposed to sun.
When treating your acne. Aside from sun exposure, make it a habit to cleanse your skin well before putting acne medications. Taking two medications should also be avoided, consult your dermatologist before getting other medications other than prescribed.
Acne can be very irritating to see in the mirror, but we can have hope from proper treatment and maintaining our skin clean well.
Tips on How to Prevent Flu and Avoid Spreading to Others
1. Make it a habit to wash hands frequently.
2. Eat nutritious food especially enriched with vitamin C.
3. Avoid crowded places and those people who have colds and cough. It can easily be transmitted through touch and air. A person can easily get one if she/he touches things (examples are mobile phones, telephone,door knobs etc.) that are already contaminated with germs then touches his or her nose,eyes, or mouth.
4. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. It is also advisable that you keep distance to people to protect them from getting the virus from you. Cover your nose and mouth with the tissue and immediately dispose them to prevent from spreading.
5. Avoid being overstressed and ever fatigue. Body resistance weakens because of these.
6. Get enough sleep. One of the major reason of fatigue and stress is lack of rest. The body needs to regain strength and energy.
7. Be aware of the symptoms of flu such as muscle pain, headache, and rise in temperature that may lead to chilling. During winter and rainy season, flu is likely to persist to most people.
8. Drink lots of fluids especially citric juices.
9. Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
2. Eat nutritious food especially enriched with vitamin C.
3. Avoid crowded places and those people who have colds and cough. It can easily be transmitted through touch and air. A person can easily get one if she/he touches things (examples are mobile phones, telephone,door knobs etc.) that are already contaminated with germs then touches his or her nose,eyes, or mouth.
4. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. It is also advisable that you keep distance to people to protect them from getting the virus from you. Cover your nose and mouth with the tissue and immediately dispose them to prevent from spreading.
5. Avoid being overstressed and ever fatigue. Body resistance weakens because of these.
6. Get enough sleep. One of the major reason of fatigue and stress is lack of rest. The body needs to regain strength and energy.
7. Be aware of the symptoms of flu such as muscle pain, headache, and rise in temperature that may lead to chilling. During winter and rainy season, flu is likely to persist to most people.
8. Drink lots of fluids especially citric juices.
9. Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
Ways to Prevent Germs from Spreading
Almost two million people are infected through acquired germs everyday. Even in hospitals that we thought we are safe can actually endanger us from getting more germs around. Medical staff should be aware first and foremost of the importance of not spreading germs by hand washing habits. According to Dr. Michael Edmond, M.D., an Epidemiologist, there are still many hospital workers who have poor hand washing habits.
Whether you are a medical staff, health worker or an ordinary person you should be aware of preventive ways how to avoid infections and how not to spread germs especially if we have cough or colds.
* Cover mouth and nose with a tissue specially when coughing or sneezing.
* Use face mask to avoid spreading the germs and getting bacteria from other people.
* Place used tissue in a secure plastic and preferably dispose them the soonest.
* Wash hands as often as you can or use hand sanitizers.
* Keep distance from people to protect yourself and infecting others.
* Avoid crowded places such as malls and going to hospitals if not necessary.
* Avoid bringing kids in the hospital. With a weaker immune system than adult, they are mostly to acquire infections from the hospital.
Prevention and good hygiene can save us from sickness. According to Thomas Fuller, “He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.”
Whether you are a medical staff, health worker or an ordinary person you should be aware of preventive ways how to avoid infections and how not to spread germs especially if we have cough or colds.
* Cover mouth and nose with a tissue specially when coughing or sneezing.
* Use face mask to avoid spreading the germs and getting bacteria from other people.
* Place used tissue in a secure plastic and preferably dispose them the soonest.
* Wash hands as often as you can or use hand sanitizers.
* Keep distance from people to protect yourself and infecting others.
* Avoid crowded places such as malls and going to hospitals if not necessary.
* Avoid bringing kids in the hospital. With a weaker immune system than adult, they are mostly to acquire infections from the hospital.
Prevention and good hygiene can save us from sickness. According to Thomas Fuller, “He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.”
Keep Your Body in Shape and Live a Healthier Life
Live a healthier life with a healthy diet, regular exercise, manage stress, keep a positive attitude, and most of all avoid smoking and drinking that causes major illnesses.
Regular Exercise. Atleast 30 minutes of physical activity can help body fit such as a brisk walk,jogging,swimming,cycling, using the stairs instead of elevator. Regular exercise keep the heart healthy and keep the body physically fit to maintain energy.
Get enough Sleep. Having not enough sleep can cause the person to not mentally alert and has a low mood level affecting activities during the day.
Healthy Diet. Eat balanced diet with low fat and salt.
Stop Smoking. According to the 1962 study conducted by Royal College of Physicians in London , smoking causes lung cancer and bronchitis. And in 1982, it was confirmed and concluded that smoking is a major cause of the lung, larynx, oral cavity, and esophagus. It also contributes in the development of cancers of the bladder, pancreas, and kidney. Other diseases can be acquired are emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The people who do not smoke but are expose to smokers are affected by the so called, secondhand smoke. It can causes disease and premature death in children especially infants as well as in adult. Diseases linked to second hand smoke are acute respiratory infections, ear problems, sever asthma. It has an immediate effects on the cardiovascular system of an adult.
Moderate drinking or do not drink alcohol at all. Drinking is also linked to different diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease and brain damage especially for heavy drinkers.
Manage Stress. Most all of us experience stress at times and many illnesses are considered stress related. It is important to know what causes our stress and how to manage it. Keep stress under control by taking breaks from daily activities, sleep 6-8 hours to help regenerate body cells to regain strength, do something that makes you happy or feel relaxed such as certain hobbies that you are interested or have a massage. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue and the body immune system weakens which can easily acquire illnesses.
Keep a Cheerful and Positive Attitude. The body needs to be healthy so as the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Many illnesses are considered causes of emotional problems and depression
Regular Exercise. Atleast 30 minutes of physical activity can help body fit such as a brisk walk,jogging,swimming,cycling, using the stairs instead of elevator. Regular exercise keep the heart healthy and keep the body physically fit to maintain energy.
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Exercise regularly. image via |
Healthy Diet. Eat balanced diet with low fat and salt.
Stop Smoking. According to the 1962 study conducted by Royal College of Physicians in London , smoking causes lung cancer and bronchitis. And in 1982, it was confirmed and concluded that smoking is a major cause of the lung, larynx, oral cavity, and esophagus. It also contributes in the development of cancers of the bladder, pancreas, and kidney. Other diseases can be acquired are emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The people who do not smoke but are expose to smokers are affected by the so called, secondhand smoke. It can causes disease and premature death in children especially infants as well as in adult. Diseases linked to second hand smoke are acute respiratory infections, ear problems, sever asthma. It has an immediate effects on the cardiovascular system of an adult.
Moderate drinking or do not drink alcohol at all. Drinking is also linked to different diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease and brain damage especially for heavy drinkers.
Manage Stress. Most all of us experience stress at times and many illnesses are considered stress related. It is important to know what causes our stress and how to manage it. Keep stress under control by taking breaks from daily activities, sleep 6-8 hours to help regenerate body cells to regain strength, do something that makes you happy or feel relaxed such as certain hobbies that you are interested or have a massage. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue and the body immune system weakens which can easily acquire illnesses.
Keep a Cheerful and Positive Attitude. The body needs to be healthy so as the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Many illnesses are considered causes of emotional problems and depression
Monday, March 21, 2011
Protect Yourself and Family : Wash Hands Frequently
A habit of washing hands can protect us from getting diseases and infections. The germs that can cause flu, diarrhea, cold, hepatitis, and other diseases can be transmitted through a dirty hand. Children should be taught of this habit since they are more prone to germs mostly from playing.
Always wash hands especially before the following activities :
1. Putting or taking out of contact lenses
2. Eating
3. Touching or serving food
4. Touching a wounded part of the body
5. Taking care of a sick person
After the following activities :
1. Going to the toilet most especially from public places.
2. Changing a diaper
3. Handling or throwing a garbage
4. Touching an animal
5. Coughing, sneezing, blowing nose or wiping a child nose
6. After from going to the wet market, handling raw food such as meat, fish, poultry or eggs
Things that are mostly like to have germs are telephone, mobile phone, table, computer mouse etc. It is advisable to use an anti-microbial soap with appropriate amount of soap when washing. Use hand sanitizers when in public areas or if there is no chance to wash your hands.
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Wash hands frequently. |
Always wash hands especially before the following activities :
1. Putting or taking out of contact lenses
2. Eating
3. Touching or serving food
4. Touching a wounded part of the body
5. Taking care of a sick person
After the following activities :
1. Going to the toilet most especially from public places.
2. Changing a diaper
3. Handling or throwing a garbage
4. Touching an animal
5. Coughing, sneezing, blowing nose or wiping a child nose
6. After from going to the wet market, handling raw food such as meat, fish, poultry or eggs
Things that are mostly like to have germs are telephone, mobile phone, table, computer mouse etc. It is advisable to use an anti-microbial soap with appropriate amount of soap when washing. Use hand sanitizers when in public areas or if there is no chance to wash your hands.
Skills and Qualities to Become a Professional Events Planner
If one wants to embark on becoming a professional events planner, the three starting points to do are careful planning, market research, and self-evaluation. Here are the basic requirements to become a professional events planner:
Define what type of events and target market you want to focus. Here are some types of events:
1. Corporate Events. Trainings, seminars, workshops, exhibits, company Christmas parties, product launchings, promotional events, and other marketing events.
2. Private Celebrations Events. Occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, holiday occasions like Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween and alike.
3. Other Events. Educational tours, graduations, fashion shows, concerts, awards night, beauty pageant, sports events, political rallies
With a wide type of events events, there is a big market for professional events planners.
Define what specific services you want to offer your market. An event planner may offer three different types of services or any of these types depending on skills and capacity to handle the event.
* Full service planning and management. This includes the over-all management of the event from stage one up to the day itself of the event. The client may choose to have a “worry-free” event by just giving their basic preferences and final approval of the details leaving the events planner to do the full management of the event.
* Mid- service management. On this type of service, the client already made the initial planning for the event and hires a professional event planner to execute the plans. On this type of service, the client and the events planner are working closely during the progress of the management.
* On-site service management. This type of service are for clients who prefer to do the full planning and coordination of the event. Events planner is hired only to oversee and monitor the flow of the event on the day itself. Clients with a tight budget may choose this type of service where a minimal fee is charged rather than the other types of services.
Prepare for a large network of suppliers. The outsourcing of suppliers according to the needs and budget of the client is a major key on evey event. With a large network at hand, there will be many options to choose from and be able to get the best at the lowest price rate.
Knowledge of the industry and expertise are needed for each type of events. Being well versed with the detailed requirements of the event is important for every events planner. Expertise and knowledge on different areas of the event will give an extra edge from others giving clients better perspective, pros and cons, suggest better options to derive at best decision to reduce budget requirement.
It is important to be adept in modern communication. With the aid of technology, faster coordination is mostly done through email, mobile, and Internet communications. Likewise, canvassing and other research work easily be done through the Internet. Social networking nowadays also play an important role in coordinating details with clients and suppliers.
Skills and Personality traits requirements :
* Ability to multi-task
* Time management skills
* Communication and human relation skills
* Highly flexible
* Highly organize
* Creative and Resourceful
* Detailed-oriented
* Optimistic
Define what type of events and target market you want to focus. Here are some types of events:
1. Corporate Events. Trainings, seminars, workshops, exhibits, company Christmas parties, product launchings, promotional events, and other marketing events.
2. Private Celebrations Events. Occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, holiday occasions like Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween and alike.
3. Other Events. Educational tours, graduations, fashion shows, concerts, awards night, beauty pageant, sports events, political rallies
With a wide type of events events, there is a big market for professional events planners.
Define what specific services you want to offer your market. An event planner may offer three different types of services or any of these types depending on skills and capacity to handle the event.
* Full service planning and management. This includes the over-all management of the event from stage one up to the day itself of the event. The client may choose to have a “worry-free” event by just giving their basic preferences and final approval of the details leaving the events planner to do the full management of the event.
* Mid- service management. On this type of service, the client already made the initial planning for the event and hires a professional event planner to execute the plans. On this type of service, the client and the events planner are working closely during the progress of the management.
* On-site service management. This type of service are for clients who prefer to do the full planning and coordination of the event. Events planner is hired only to oversee and monitor the flow of the event on the day itself. Clients with a tight budget may choose this type of service where a minimal fee is charged rather than the other types of services.
Prepare for a large network of suppliers. The outsourcing of suppliers according to the needs and budget of the client is a major key on evey event. With a large network at hand, there will be many options to choose from and be able to get the best at the lowest price rate.
Knowledge of the industry and expertise are needed for each type of events. Being well versed with the detailed requirements of the event is important for every events planner. Expertise and knowledge on different areas of the event will give an extra edge from others giving clients better perspective, pros and cons, suggest better options to derive at best decision to reduce budget requirement.
It is important to be adept in modern communication. With the aid of technology, faster coordination is mostly done through email, mobile, and Internet communications. Likewise, canvassing and other research work easily be done through the Internet. Social networking nowadays also play an important role in coordinating details with clients and suppliers.
Skills and Personality traits requirements :
* Ability to multi-task
* Time management skills
* Communication and human relation skills
* Highly flexible
* Highly organize
* Creative and Resourceful
* Detailed-oriented
* Optimistic
Money Matters: Why People Fail to Save Money?
Frugal living and saving money are the key to financial success. Here are some of the reasons why people have difficulty in saving:
Inability to manage income
Lack of knowledge on personal finances management is one of the major reasons why people find difficulty saving money. Knowing how to save effectively is the first step to successful saving.
Increasing household expenses
This is unavoidable where we do not have control over the increasing prices of basic commodities, utilities, and other expenses depending on economic state. We can only control consumption such as reducing electrical bills by reducing electrical appliances usage.
Overspending and Irresponsible use of credit cardIf lifestyle expenses exceeds income, there will be an imbalance with personal finances. One of the most common cause of overspending is the irresponsible use of credit card. Many have gone into debt because of the unpaid bills from credit card with its ballooning charges. It is therefore impossible to save money if there are pending debt.
Inability to manage income
Lack of knowledge on personal finances management is one of the major reasons why people find difficulty saving money. Knowing how to save effectively is the first step to successful saving.
Increasing household expenses
This is unavoidable where we do not have control over the increasing prices of basic commodities, utilities, and other expenses depending on economic state. We can only control consumption such as reducing electrical bills by reducing electrical appliances usage.
Overspending and Irresponsible use of credit cardIf lifestyle expenses exceeds income, there will be an imbalance with personal finances. One of the most common cause of overspending is the irresponsible use of credit card. Many have gone into debt because of the unpaid bills from credit card with its ballooning charges. It is therefore impossible to save money if there are pending debt.
Money Matters : How to Save Effectively
How to Reduce Travel Cost and Save Money
Reduce travel cost by planning the travel in advance, get
coupons to gain discounts, avoid unnecessary purchases, and impulse buying will
save you a lot money. Even if we have a limited budget, a worthwhile and
enjoyable travel is still possible.
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Reduce travel cost and save money. |
Careful planning and proper budgeting are important aspects to have a worry-free trip. Here are some ways to reduce cost and save money from traveling :
Plan in advance. This will give you time to have an extensive canvassing on the lowest rates on airfares and accommodations. Most airlines gives promotional fares booked in advance. Explore the internet to get cheap deals and coupons to reduce expenses.
Taking a vacation with friends with kids of the same age is a good idea to share accommodation and other expenses. Kids can also share room instead where they can have fun together during vacation.
Choose condos and apartments (town homes) as an alternative accommodation to hotels. Booking in a hotel is a lot expensive especially if you are traveling with the whole family than renting a fully furnished town home where you can cook your own food to save money.
If you decide to travel in countryside, camping sights gives more adventure and economical.
Save on food expenses. Pack-lunch and sandwiches can be prepared in advance to avoid frequent dining on restaurants which are usually expensive at travel destinations. Bringing canned goods and a cooler with juices are also very handy and easy to prepare.
Make sure luggage bags and travel kits are complete to avoid unnecessary purchase at your destinations. Traveling with kids needs more planning since they are easily get bored during long trips. Toiletries and toys should be in place before the travel date, buying these things are a bit expensive on vacation spots.
Bring enough cash and one credit card during the trip. Impulse buying is common when traveling where lots of souvenirs to choose from at every destination. Having too many cash or credit card can lead to buying things that is hard to resist leaving no cash at hand after traveling. Allocate or budget money for shopping and other leisure expenses instead, but save a portion for emergency purposes.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
British Royal Couple : Prince William and Kate Middleton
Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was born on June 21, 1982 at Paddington, London and later baptized on August 4, 1982 in the Music Room of Buckingham
Palace. Prince William as he is fondly called, was a handsome boy used
to be seen in photos with his younger brother, Prince Harry, and
parents Prince of Wales Prince Charles and the late well-loved Princess of Wales, Princess Diana.
He graduated at St. Andrews University
in Scotland where he finished Geography course and later joined the
Royal Academy Sandhurst. Today, he serves as a Lieutenant in the Household Cavalry and attended trainings to become a search and rescue Pilot with the Royal Air Force.
Prince William had also much
resemblance to his mother that he continues her legacy by involving
himself with different charity works.
Catherine Elizabeth "Kate" Middleton was born on January
9, 1982 at Berkshire, south of England. Kate is the eldest among the
three children of parents, Michael and Carole Middelton. Her father was
an airline officer before the family decided to run their own business,
a mail-order company that sells children’s party paraphernalia.
Kate studied in the prestigious Marlborough College before earning a degree in History of Art in St. Andrews where she met Prince William. Former school colleagues speaks about the young lady as
intelligent, level headed, talented, and popular in school. She worked
as an accessories buyer at women’s fashion chain Jigsaw, but later
resigned in 2007 to help her parents business.
Like many other celebrity couple, the
two kept their relationship secret, but soon enough discovered by media
and the public. As a royal public figure, critics are brewing
speculations on the success of the wedding and the marriage itself as
compared to Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Will Prince William takes a different route? We can only hope the best of life together for this soon-to-be royal couple.
The Official Website of the British Monarchy
The Prince of Wales Website
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Royal British Wedding HRH Prince William and Miss Kate Middleton
The Engagement and Wedding Details
The engagement announcement of England Prince William and Catherine "Kate" Middleton was officially announced last November 17, 2010. The couple became engaged last October 2010 during a trip holiday to Kenya where Prince William finally proposed to Kate. It was unexpected when Prince William "popped the question" with the diamond and sapphire ring. The ring was a special ring since this was also the engagement ring of her late mother, Princess Diana back in 1981.
During the ITN News interview with the couple, Prince William says about the ring, “It is a family ring, yes. It’s my mother’s engagement ring so I thought it was quite nice because obviously she’s not going to be around to share any of the fun and excitement of it all - this was my way of keeping her close to it all.”
The final date and the venue were kept secret for a while, but on January 5, 2011, Prince of Wales News announced further details of the wedding:
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Royal wedding for Prince William and Kate Middleton |
The engagement announcement of England Prince William and Catherine "Kate" Middleton was officially announced last November 17, 2010. The couple became engaged last October 2010 during a trip holiday to Kenya where Prince William finally proposed to Kate. It was unexpected when Prince William "popped the question" with the diamond and sapphire ring. The ring was a special ring since this was also the engagement ring of her late mother, Princess Diana back in 1981.
During the ITN News interview with the couple, Prince William says about the ring, “It is a family ring, yes. It’s my mother’s engagement ring so I thought it was quite nice because obviously she’s not going to be around to share any of the fun and excitement of it all - this was my way of keeping her close to it all.”
The final date and the venue were kept secret for a while, but on January 5, 2011, Prince of Wales News announced further details of the wedding:
- The official wedding date will be on April 29, 2011. It will also be a public holiday across UK as a national celebration.
- The chosen venue will be at Westminster Abbey, London which is rich in royal history. Several Kings and Queens were crowned here, royal weddings of the Queen and Queen Mother, and also the venue for Princess Diana’s funeral in 1997.
- The wedding service will start at 11:00 am to be conducted by the Dean of Westminster while the Archbishop of Canterbury will marry the couple.
- The couple will have a procession in carriage to Buckingham Palace where a reception is waiting hosted by the Queen. Later in the evening, the Prince of Wales will have a private dinner for the couple, with their family, and close friends.
Tips on Credit Card Use
Here are some ways to protect and tips in using credit card :
1. Always keep a copy of contact details of your credit card hotline number which is normally at the back of the card.
2. Immediately destroy the PIN number issued and change your PIN to the nearest ATM machine. Make sure that the PIN code is unique and cannot easily be identified by others. Secure a copy of your code or make sure that you can remember them.
3. Keep track of your expenses billed in your monthly statement. It is advisable to keep all your transaction receipts so that you can easily match them. Report any charges that are not supposed to be billed.
4. When using your credit card, make sure that the amount on the transaction slip is the same amount on the purchase slip before signing. When we are in a hurry, we tend to overlook these things .
1. Always keep a copy of contact details of your credit card hotline number which is normally at the back of the card.
2. Immediately destroy the PIN number issued and change your PIN to the nearest ATM machine. Make sure that the PIN code is unique and cannot easily be identified by others. Secure a copy of your code or make sure that you can remember them.
3. Keep track of your expenses billed in your monthly statement. It is advisable to keep all your transaction receipts so that you can easily match them. Report any charges that are not supposed to be billed.
4. When using your credit card, make sure that the amount on the transaction slip is the same amount on the purchase slip before signing. When we are in a hurry, we tend to overlook these things .
5. When using your credit card especially in a restaurant, follow up
your credit card if it is unreturned for a certain period of time.
6. If you purchase or pay online through credit card, make sure that it is the legitimate site of the merchant and not with a spooled website. The URL should start with “htpps”, there should be a security code indicated on the website.
7. Be careful in handling your credit card while shopping. If it gets lost, report the incident immediately to your credit card company.
8. Do not get too many credit cards that you cannot manage to pay. This will pull you on a debt wagon.
6. If you purchase or pay online through credit card, make sure that it is the legitimate site of the merchant and not with a spooled website. The URL should start with “htpps”, there should be a security code indicated on the website.
7. Be careful in handling your credit card while shopping. If it gets lost, report the incident immediately to your credit card company.
8. Do not get too many credit cards that you cannot manage to pay. This will pull you on a debt wagon.
Avoid Pickpockets while Shopping
Pickpocketing is a common crime in the streets and crowded areas. During Christmas season,
pickpockets are also busy looking for their next victims in shopping
malls. Here are simple precautionary actions to avoid pickpockets :
Do not bring large amount of money or cash in your wallet especially while shopping.
Be alert when opening your wallet in public areas, pickpockets may get a chance to see the contents of your wallet.
Carry wallet with the awareness of pickpockets around. Put your wallet inside the coat pocket for men while at the bottom of bag for women.
Be suspicious of anyone in crowd. Common places for pickpockets are malls,buses, trams, subways, and other crowded areas.
Be vigilant when going to the bank especially if you carry a large cash of money.
Most victims of pickpockets are travelers since they are unfamiliar to the new place and usually carry travel allowance. If you are a traveler, also be careful with your luggage and keep important things and documents close to your body.
Read more :
Know more about How to Keep Safe During Christmas Season
Buying your children school supplies
Do not bring large amount of money or cash in your wallet especially while shopping.
Be alert when opening your wallet in public areas, pickpockets may get a chance to see the contents of your wallet.
Carry wallet with the awareness of pickpockets around. Put your wallet inside the coat pocket for men while at the bottom of bag for women.
Be suspicious of anyone in crowd. Common places for pickpockets are malls,buses, trams, subways, and other crowded areas.
Be vigilant when going to the bank especially if you carry a large cash of money.
Most victims of pickpockets are travelers since they are unfamiliar to the new place and usually carry travel allowance. If you are a traveler, also be careful with your luggage and keep important things and documents close to your body.
Read more :
Know more about How to Keep Safe During Christmas Season
Buying your children school supplies
The Benefits of Body Stretching
Without proper stretching, our body can lead to injury
when performing rigid exercises in the fitness gym and doing strenuous
sports. Know more about the benefits of body stretching.
Body Stretching is a set of exercises before or after an athletic activity
such as fitness rigid exercises in the gym, dancing, playing a sport
such as boxing, running and basketball. Why is stretching important?
It is preparing the muscles to elongate and condition
them for maximum performance. A body injury will likely to happen if
stretching is done before doing strenuous lifting in the gym. Your
body can suffer from muscle strains, tears in the ligaments, bone fractures, twisted ankles, and sprains.
Here are other benefits of body stretching :
1. Improves blood circulation. It promotes blood circulation to the joints and muscles.
2. Relieves Stress. Stretching puts the body in a state of relaxation. Tensed muscles are relaxed and therefore, relieves stress. The body is able to rejuvenate body cells and regain strength.
3. Improves Posture. Poor posture is often seen as unhealthy and does not project a good self-image. It also causes muscular imbalances like impingement in the joints, neck pains, and lower back problems. A habit of stretching the lower back, chest, and shoulders can help improve posture.
4. Reduces Body Pains. After a hard day’s work, we often feel body pains especially on the back, neck, and shoulders. A morning stretch before starting the day will increase body flexibility and reduces pain.
5. Increases physical health awareness. If a regular exercise on the gym is not possible due to time and budget constraints, stretching can be a regular exercises that we can do in the comfort of our home.
Three Factors for Work Related Stress and to Deal with them Effectively
The Benefits of Massage to Couples and Children
Here are other benefits of body stretching :
1. Improves blood circulation. It promotes blood circulation to the joints and muscles.
2. Relieves Stress. Stretching puts the body in a state of relaxation. Tensed muscles are relaxed and therefore, relieves stress. The body is able to rejuvenate body cells and regain strength.
3. Improves Posture. Poor posture is often seen as unhealthy and does not project a good self-image. It also causes muscular imbalances like impingement in the joints, neck pains, and lower back problems. A habit of stretching the lower back, chest, and shoulders can help improve posture.
4. Reduces Body Pains. After a hard day’s work, we often feel body pains especially on the back, neck, and shoulders. A morning stretch before starting the day will increase body flexibility and reduces pain.
5. Increases physical health awareness. If a regular exercise on the gym is not possible due to time and budget constraints, stretching can be a regular exercises that we can do in the comfort of our home.
Three Factors for Work Related Stress and to Deal with them Effectively
The Benefits of Massage to Couples and Children
Quick Beauty Ideas (part 2)
Know the magic of mascara and other beauty regimen of women :
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mascara |
1. Manage wrinkles by massaging the eye area with a nourishing cream or eye oil.
2. For those with small eyes, make them larger with smokey eye-shadow and lots of mascara. For an extra romantic look, put more highlights and shadowing.
3. Pluck eyebrows in the direction of their growth. Use soft- feathery strokes with an eyebrow pencil to fill-in sparse brows.
4. Use mascara upwards and downwards, then comb them with a fine-tooth comb to separate the lashes.
5. Never sleep with makeup, use makeup removers before going to bed.
6. To keep smoothness of your hand, always use rubber gloves when doing the laundry.
7. Never bite nails, keep it clean and short at all times. Nourish your nails with hand cream.
8. Eat a healthy diet especially citrus fruits, green vegetables and lots of water for a healthier skin.
9. Enough sleep helps the body and the skin go healthy. Have atleast 7-8 hours of sleep everyday.
10. Give yourself a break, have facial, body and foot massage atleast once a month.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Triond : Freelance Writing Content Website (Upfront and Google Adsense)
is a content writing managed by Stanza Ltd from Israel. This site is
competing with other get paid to write sites like Associated Content,
Hub Pages, Helium, Factoidz, InfoBarrel, Squidoo, and a lot more.
Some freelance content websites do come and go or otherwise keep on
changing policies for writers are forced to leave. With numerous
writers in Triond and google rankings of the pages, it withstand the
challenges over the years and still up and running.
A new member can be easily at home with the user-friendly environment of the website. Easy navigation and the enhanced simple dashboard will help the member work faster with ease. Triond has the most active community where you can gain friends, exchange knowledge, and skills with other writers.
Minimum payout : 0.50$
Payment : Paypal every 10th of the month
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Earn upfront and Google Adsense earnings |
A new member can be easily at home with the user-friendly environment of the website. Easy navigation and the enhanced simple dashboard will help the member work faster with ease. Triond has the most active community where you can gain friends, exchange knowledge, and skills with other writers.
Minimum payout : 0.50$
Payment : Paypal every 10th of the month
Cause of Debt : Irresponsible Use of Credit Card
Having a credit card can be addictive and can lead one to debt. Before getting a credit card, ensure that you know the policies of
the credit card company and be able to use it responsibly. Here
are top three irresponsible ways of using credit card :
Impulse Buying
The first pitfalls of overspenders is impulse buying. Everytime you have your credit card in your bag wherever you go, irresponsible credit card user will most likely to fall into temptation of buying things that they do not want. Some people feel that having a credit card is like also having cash on their wallet. Purchasing is just one swipe away. Worst if one goes into over-credit which will have an extra charges.
Late payment of credit card bills
Not keeping track of the payment deadline will incur charges. The money that you will pay for the charges should have been used for other expenses or can be a savings already. But because of careless handling of billing, you lose in the transaction and the credit company will just be richer from your charges.
Negligence of Credit Card
Negligence of credit card is a sign of irresponsibility. Once the card is stolen, report the incident immediately to your credit company to stop , unauthorized purchase of another person. Always Keep your credit card secure, and do not let children play with it. Be careful on getting extension card for other people or for your teenage child since they may not be responsible as you.
There is power in credit card and so are you over it. Remember Peter Parker? “With great power comes great responsibility.”
Credit card |
The first pitfalls of overspenders is impulse buying. Everytime you have your credit card in your bag wherever you go, irresponsible credit card user will most likely to fall into temptation of buying things that they do not want. Some people feel that having a credit card is like also having cash on their wallet. Purchasing is just one swipe away. Worst if one goes into over-credit which will have an extra charges.
Late payment of credit card bills
Not keeping track of the payment deadline will incur charges. The money that you will pay for the charges should have been used for other expenses or can be a savings already. But because of careless handling of billing, you lose in the transaction and the credit company will just be richer from your charges.
Negligence of Credit Card
Negligence of credit card is a sign of irresponsibility. Once the card is stolen, report the incident immediately to your credit company to stop , unauthorized purchase of another person. Always Keep your credit card secure, and do not let children play with it. Be careful on getting extension card for other people or for your teenage child since they may not be responsible as you.
There is power in credit card and so are you over it. Remember Peter Parker? “With great power comes great responsibility.”
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