Thursday, March 31, 2011

Risk Factors and Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?

A blood clot in the leg that may occur after a surgical operation, pregnancy, or a long period of bed rest.

Risk factors for Thrombosis
  • People with family history of blood clots in veins
  • Overweight (obese) people are more prone of having thrombosis as there are more pressure in pelvis and legs veins.
  • Same with overweight, pregnancy also increases the pressure in the pelvis and legs veins.
  • Those with heart disease or blood circulation problems, a damaged heart cannot effectively pump blood as compared with healthy normal heart which can cause blood to pool and clot.
  • Smoking increases a person’s risk of getting thrombosis

What are the symptoms of  Thrombosis?
  • Leg cramps
  • Loss of feeling in the legs
  • Tiredness or aching in the legs
  • An unexplained feeling of warmth in the legs or lower body
  • Suddenly prominent veins
  • Reddening of the skin
  Treatment and How to Reduce the risk of Thrombosis
Blood tests are important to know the right amount and kind of treatment to a patient.
Antithrombotic medicines are prescribed by doctors which comes in three types : anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs and thrombolytic agents.  Drugs to be taken while under treatment of DVT should be consulted to the doctor.
After a prolonged bed rest or an operation, certain exercises which involves legs can help in DVT treatment.
The use of compression stockings is often recommended by surgeons after operation because it helps keep the blood circulation normal.
Take medicines always, together with anticoalugant record card, and other related medical documents especially while travelling.
Common terms in relation to Thrombosis :

Anticoagulant medicine.  A drug that helps to prevent blood clots.
Blood clot.  An unwanted lump of blood paltelets, also called a thrombus.  A blood clot in the leg is commonly known deep vein thrombosis or DVT.

Compression stockings.  Leggings that fit quite tightly and helps the blood circulation to stay normal.

Haematology.  The study of blood.

INR, International Normalized Ratio. It is the guide to the consistency of the blood.  If the blood is too thick and sticky, it may be prone to clotting.

Thrombocytopenia. A shortage of blood cells that cause blood to clot.

Venogram.  An X-Ray technique that reveals the veins in our legs, and any blood clots that might be in them.

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