Sunday, August 28, 2011

Flavors and Cooking Uses of Selected Herbs and Spices

Read more about  Cooking with Herbs and Spice Cookery
Herbs and spices comes with different flavors and so it also differs on its uses.  It is good to experiment and try various herbs to its cooking uses.  Try something every week!

ANISE (Sweet, similar to licorice)
As flavoring in cookies,candies and pastries; also in Poultry dishes.
BASIL (Pungent, somewhat sweet)
Fresh Tomato dishes, with eggplant, for pesto, in Thai and Vietnamese foods,addition to
salads and many cooked vegetables.
BAY (Mild)
In soups, stews and tomato sauces, and in shellfish boils. Remove leaf before serving.
CELERY SEED (Strong, pungent celery flavor)
As a replacement for celery stalks in cooking; as a flavoring in tomato juice, sauces and
CHIVES (Sharp,onion or garlic flavor)
Garnish, blended with soft cheeses,added to salads
CLOVES (Sweet or bittersweet)
Add to sweet dishes or as a contrast in stews and curries.
CORIANDER (Spicy, sweet or hot)
In cakes, cookies, breads, as a pickling spice or in curry mixtures
NUTMEG (Warm,sweet)
Good for cakes and cookies as well as in sweet potatoes
MARJORAM (delicate)
For soups, stews, and marinades.

Related article:
Gardening: Herb Plants for your Kitchen

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tips on Cooking with Herbs and Spice Cookery

Adding more flavors to cooking is a culinary challenge for those who loves to cook.  Putting herb and spices enhances the  dish flavor that makes it more exciting and palatable.  For  better cooking results, here are some tips in storing and using herbs and spices:

  • Buy herb and spices in small quantities and make sure they  are stored in tight containers to keep the flavors.  They have the volatile flavors that are lost if kept too long, the longest is six months.
  • Cutting, crushing, or mincing fresh herbs are good to bring out the volatile oils and true flavors.
  • Experiment with herb and spices until you learn what is good and what is not to your cooking needs.
 Try with these herb and spices
Herbs – bay  leaf, basil, chives,marjoram, mint, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, and thyme.
Spices – cinnamon, cloves, curry, ginger, dry mustard, nutmeg, paprika and pepper.
Other flavoring – almond, lemon, maple, orange, peppermint and vanilla.

Here are some recommendations for cooking meat, fish, eggs, and vegetables with herbs and spices:
Lamb – curry,garlic,mint,onion,oregano,parsley,rosemary,thyme,mint jelly
Beef – bay leaf,lemon juice, marjoram, dry mustard, mushrooms,nutmeg,onion,green pepper,thyme
Veal –bay leaf,curry,dill seed,ginger,marjoram,oregano,summer savory
Fish – bay leaf,curry,dill,garlic,mustard,onion,paprika,pepper
Eggs – basil,chives,curry,parsley,green pepper,rosemary,diced tomato
Potatoes – chives,onion,parsley,green pepper
Sweet Potatoes – cinnamon,nutmeg,brown sugar
Squash – basil,ginger,mace,onion,oregano
Tomatoes –basil,oregano,parsley,sage

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Effects of Computers and Gadgets to Health

Android tablet

Technology aims to provide us with convenience, speed, mobility, and advancement to everyday lives.  Computers, monitors, smartphones, mobile media players, easy  accessibility to internet rules nowadays. Gadgets has become an indispensable thing to some or to many even having withdrawal syndrome if one of the gadgets is lost.    There can be many advantages but there are also disadvantages brought by technology particularly with health. 

Are you experiencing “techno stress”?  Do you have a fear of being disconnected? Overzealous urbanites lives a fast-paced and glued  life with gadgets like smartphones ,latest Tabs or notebooks to connect with others through social networking websites such as    Facebook, Twitter and alike. 

Study shows that those who are frequent computer users experience stress manifested by hunched shoulders, dilated eyes, and  rapid heartbeat.  Because of desire for speed and performance, we tend to be impatient and dissatisfied easily if the gadget fails to satisfy our needs and wants.  Since the hands and wrist are the most used by computer users,  another health concern for them is the carpal tunnel syndrome.  Those who sit for a long period of time and doing repetitive actions such as typing, mouse clicking, or gamers risking the wrist.

The coming of the LCD and the LED replaces the CRT monitors which emits small amount of UV radiation that could affect our health.

Technology may seem to have disadvantages but we are the one who can make it as an advantage.  To make these gadgets our slave instead of the other way around.  Moderation is the key for everything and putting  things in perspective.  Unplugging oneself, reboot, logout, or “electronic detox” is necessary to take sometime reconnect your life to yourself. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What Makes a Successful Salesman?

What makes a successful salesman?  The meaning of success can mean different things to people.  But when it comes to being a salesman, it is the accomplishment of being able to sell or close a deal.  Being a successful salesman is not an overnight success, but rather it takes time to  build  oneself that requires a lot of courage, passion, and hardwork

Selling Points for a Salesman 
Physical Appearance.  Neither body nor mind can function without it.  Before you can say any word your appearance speaks about you.  Create a positive image to establish trust and confidence from your customer.

Courage and Self Confidence.  Presenting yourself, your product, or services  requires self-confidence and courage. Be able to handle pressure and intense competition in the business.   To have more confidence,  know your business and  your product well in order for others to have confidence in you .

Communication Skills.  Exude enthusiasm and aggressiveness through words. It is important that you are able to communicate what you have to offer.

Learn from successful sales leaders and work what you have learned.   Learn from those who succeeded before you by  learning from their experiences and work out what you can apply.

The art of persuasion.  “Do not force them to drink, make them thirsty”  is one of the most effective persuasive selling point.

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