Monday, April 27, 2015

Unplugged yourself with Simple Joys in Life

After many weeks of work, it is so refreshing that I was able to go out with a friend just to hang out and stroll around the city. Shopping need not to be in high fashion shops (we only bought from charity shops where we can buy cheap clothes with quality). Just to be away from the routinary regular work and from online work even for a half day. These two are both important and rewarding, but to be unplugged from time to time makes me more energized. A shared laughter, adventure, and good memories are simple joys in life that money cannot buy. A gift of friendship is a blessing to keep me going and face the everyday challenges again.

I believe that there is time for everything. A time to work, a time to play, a time to sleep, a time to be alone, a time to pray, a time to be with the family, a time to be with friends, a time to stop, and so on. We are a social being and we play a different roles like as a parent, as a wife, as a husband, as a daughter, as a co-worker and more. We nurture and balance our relationships in different ways for each role we play. 

I hear some women getting tired of being a mom doing household chores and attending to their husband and children. It is not that they are complaining it is being done out of love for their family, but there are times that their energy are being fully maximized. Some women are not much appreciated by their family after they have done so much for them. Their self worth become low and their individuality as a person are quite lost. A time to be alone or doing what she loves to do is important, going out with friends is also essential so that she can be herself, and gain more confidence.

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