Friday, April 22, 2011

Is Writing Poetry to Triond Worth of your Time?

 Have you written a lot of poems in Triond?

Triond is a great venue  to publish  literary poems that is why a lot poems had been published in Authospot which proves that many Triond members are great poets too.  For most poets, writing poems is also  a good stress reliever where you can express different emotions and thoughts on various subjects.

Triond was my first writing content website, I also started submitting poems from the past that I already had during my earlier years.  They were just sleeping on my draft book, then it felt good to see your works online and be able to share them to other people on the web.  But I learned that writing poems at Triond will not earn much even if you have written a lot of them.  Why?  because they are not the type of what search engines wants.  Even within Triond, with  the great number of poems being published everyday your poems may not have good page views and will not even land on hot content.

Is writing poetry to Triond worth of your time? The answer is it depends in your purpose of writing and your main purpose of being here in Triond.  There are some who just want to write as a hobby, to gain friends, and enjoy the community.  While for others who are usually freelance writers, wants to earn from their writings.  

A lot of good articles will bring more earnings especially with search engine optimization strategies and effective backlinks.  

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